
The road rules refresher can help make you aware of gaps or misunderstandings in your road rules knowledge. You can use the free, easy to use tools available on this page to refresh your basic road rules knowledge and be a smarter, safer driver.
Road rules are developed for your safety. Make sure you know and follow the road rules at all times.
Road rules videos
Do you know the road rules? Here are a number of common road rules that are misunderstood by many motorists. Watch the videos below and see if you've got the rule right.
Road rules pocket guide
The road rules refresher pocket guide outlines some of the most commonly misunderstood road rules. The pocket guide is available from Service SA, public libraries etc…or you can print a copy here.
Road rules quiz
Think you know the road rules? Try this quick road rules refresher quiz to check your road rules knowledge.
The Driver's Handbook
The Driver's Handbook is the road rules handbook for all South Australian drivers, including learner drivers. It is designed to support all road users and contains essential information about the South Australian driver licensing system, road rules and useful road safety tips.
Offences & Penalties
South Australian road rules and most driving offences are covered by the Road Traffic Act 1961 and in regulations made under this Act, such as the Australian Road Rules 1999.
Road rule amendments
Amendments to road rules generally involve minor clarifications. Click here to see recent South Australian road rule amendments.
Trucks and buses low gear signs
Trucks and buses must follow Australian Road Rule 108 when driving down a steep road.
25km/h Emergency Services speed limit"
Drivers are now required to travel at 25km/h when driving through an emergency service speed zone.
Seatbelts and child restraints
Wearing a seatbelt doubles your chances of surviving a serious crash. Take the time to "buckle up".
Rail safety quiz
Think you know how to be safe around trains? Try this quick rail safety quiz to check your knowledge.
Motorised recreational devices
Rules for riding a personal transportation device that is propelled with an electric motor.
Cyclist road rules and safety
When you are riding a bike you need to know about bells, lights, helmets, riding abreast, bicycle lanes, give way rules and more. Click here to find the rules, laws and safety tips for cycling in South Australia.