Road rules
Road rules pocket guide

The road rules refresher pocket guide outlines common road rules. It also highlights certain behaviours that are major contributors to high risk driving and crashes.
The pocket guide is available from Service SA, public libraries, local council offices, RAA and police stations, or you can print a copy here.
Frequently asked questions
What is the Road Rules Refresher?
The Road Rules Refresher is a pocket guide which clarifies some often-misunderstood road rules that can lead to serious crashes and highlights that road safety is a shared responsibility between all road users.
Road user behaviour is a significant contributing factor to road trauma. It is the responsibility of all road users to minimise their risk of being involved in a crash by driving, riding and walking safely and obeying the road rules at all times.
Driving is a complex task, requiring the use and coordination of various skills and all drivers should drive with care and consideration of other road users. Safe use of the road network relies on all road users playing their part to uphold the standards and laws that have been designed to provide protection for all who use the road system.
The guide also encourages readers to visit the road rules page for further information, to view online videos and to test their knowledge with the road rules quiz.
Why was it updated?
The Road Rules Refresher has undergone a comprehensive review as part of the State Government’s commitment to improving road safety outcomes as outlined in South Australia’s Road Safety Action Plan 2023 – 2025 (the Action Plan).
The updates complete Action 26 in the Action Plan – Update the road rules refresher guide to explain road rules that are often misunderstood and lead to serious crashes.
The Government is focussed on providing clear explanations of the most misunderstood road rules to increase the safety for all road users including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Who was consulted about the changes?
The Department reviewed the pocket guide, including adding specific issues raised by the Road User Safety Advisory Committee and from correspondence to the Department from members of the public, regarding give way rules around slip lanes, cycling, pedestrians, motorcyclists, changing lanes and roundabouts.
What has changed?
There is a greater regional emphasis in the new version (September 2023) which includes information about driving to the conditions (in the speed section) and the inclusion of specific information about country driving and sharing the road. There is also important information about speed, seatbelts and child restraints, mobile phones, alcohol and drugs.
Where can I obtain copies of the Road Rules Refresher?
An online version of the Road Rules Refresher is available.
Hard copies of the Road Rules Refresher are available at Service SA Centres, police stations, local council offices and libraries, and the RAA.
Hard copies will also be available at THINK! Road Safety events, such as Street Smart High, an annual road safety event that demonstrates to students the realities of road trauma.
Printed copies can also be ordered by emailing the Road Safety Team, please see below.
To order printed copies
To order printed copies of the pocket guide, please email the Road Safety team with the following details:
- Name
- Address
- Pocket guide - quantity
Please note: The pocket guide is only available to South Australian residents, as the road rules may differ from State to State.