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Safe driving tips

Passenger distractions

Carrying two to three peer passengers under the age of 21 (who are not family members) increases the risk of a young driver crashing by four to five times compared to driving alone.

The risk of crashing increases when you have your friends in the car. Let's face it, they can be distracting. Sometimes peer pressure can also tempt you to take greater or more risks when driving.

There are steps you can take to make your journey safer.

  • Have as few passengers as possible in your car. Research says that your risk of a crash increases when you're carrying two or more people in the car. So try not to have more than one passenger your age in the car.
  • Just as important as staying focussed when driving is to be a helpful passenger. If you're a passenger in a car, don't distract the driver. Make their safe driving your priority. This means acting responsibly and not distracting your driver in any way.

Heads up!

P1 drivers under the age of 25 must not drive with more than one passenger aged 16 to 20 years old (excluding immediate family members).

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