The Driver's Handbook
Obtaining a Provisional Licence

The hazard perception test
To progress from an L to P1 licence, you must pass the hazard perception test. It is a computer-based test that measures your ability to recognise and respond appropriately to situations that are potentially dangerous. Research has shown that a lack of these skills is a major factor in crashes that involve young novice drivers.
You can take the hazard perception test online or in person at a Service SA centre.
Obtaining a P1 provisional licence
Before you can apply for a P1 provisional licence, you must:
- be at least 17 years old
- pass the hazard perception test
- have a learner's permit for at least:
- 12 full calendar months if you're under 25 years old
- six full calendar months if you're at least 25 years old
- have at least 75 hours of supervised driving (including 15 hours at night) recorded in your Driving Companion (not required for learner motorcycle riders)
- pass either a:
- Vehicle on Road Test (VORT) practical driving test conducted by an instructor or Accreditation Auditor
- Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBT&A) course with a qualified instructor. See here.
If you fail a practical driving test, you are not allowed to do another practical driving test for at least 13 clear days. This is to allow you to practise your driving skills in preparation for the next practical driving test. Alternatively, you may complete the CBT&A method instead.
An authorised or accredited instructor will issue you with a certificate of competency after you either:
- pass a practical driving test
- complete the Competency Based Training & Assessment.
You can then apply for a licence that is subject to provisional licence conditions (a P1 provisional licence).
To apply for your P1 provisional licence, go to a Customer Service Centre with the following:
- your certificate of competency
- your completed log book and declaration with 75 hours of supervised driving
- the appropriate fee.
The certificate of competency does not authorise you to drive. You can drive under P1 provisional conditions only when you have obtained your P1 provisional licence.
A provisional licence is issued for 3 years:
- 1 year on P1
- 2 years on P2.
P plates
The minimum size for the P plate sign is shown in the diagram on the right. It has a red letter 'P' against a white background.
The sign must be displayed and clearly visible from the front and rear of the vehicle (rear only for motorcycles).
Provisional driver's licence laws and conditions (P1 and P2)
Provisional licences are issued subject to conditions. If you breach a condition, you will lose your licence and be disqualified from driving. This is in addition to any other penalty.
The conditions are:
- You must not drive a motor vehicle when there is:
- any concentration of alcohol in your blood
- any THC (the active component in cannabis), Methylamphetamine (also known as 'Speed', 'Ice' or 'Crystal Meth') or MDMA (also known as 'Ecstasy') in your blood or oral saliva.
- You must not exceed any speed limit by 10 km/h or more.
- You must not accumulate four or more demerit points during the provisional licence period.
Laws that also apply to provisional licence holders
If you breach any of these laws, you may incur penalties such as fines, demerit points or loss of licence:
- You must only drive the class of motor vehicle stated on your licence.
- You must carry your provisional licence at all times while driving.
- You must not drive a high-powered vehicle while you are under 25 years old (unless you have an exemption certificate).
- You must not drive over 100 km/h, even if the local speed limit exceeds 100 km/h.
Laws that only apply to P1 provisional licence holders
- You must display the correct size P plates so they are clearly visible from the front and rear of the vehicle (rear only for motorcyclists).
- You must not use any function of a mobile phone, including hands-free mode, Bluetooth technology and loudspeaker.
- If you are under 25 years old, you must not drive:
- between midnight and 5:00 am
- with more than one passenger aged 16 to 20 years (excluding immediate family members) unless either:
- a Qualified Supervising Driver is seated next to you
- you meet the exemption criteria.
- Holders of a motorcycle P1 provisional licence must not lane filter.
Getting a P2 provisional licence
You will automatically progress to a P2 provisional licence after you have held your P1 provisional licence for 12 months.
High-powered vehicles
High-powered vehicle restrictions apply if you are a provisional licence holder under 25 years old.
High-powered vehicle restrictions do not apply:
- if you are at least 25 years old
- if you have an exemption certificate
- if you are under 25 years old and hold a full licence.