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The Driving Companion

System of Car Control

The method of driving which is described in this chapter is the safest and most efficient way to drive a motor vehicle. When you undertake either the VORT or the CBT&A course you will be expected to drive in this manner when approaching and negotiating road and traffic hazards or other dangerous situations.

Examples of Hazards:

1. Intersections, roundabouts and traffic lights;

2. Lane changing and overtaking; and

3. Any other action by another road user that could affect your progress.

The System of Car Control is a system or drill, each feature of which shall be considered, in sequence, by the driver at the approach to any hazard.

Listed below are the actions of the System of Car Control in the correct sequence in which they should be considered.

FeatureReason (or purpose)
1 Select the Course;Choose the safe and legal path through the hazard.
2 Check Mirrors and then Signal;To check for following and overtaking traffic (centre and side mirror) and to give warning of your intention.
3 Brake (adjust speed);To adjust the speed of the vehicle so it arrives at the hazard at a safe and controllable speed to negotiate the hazard.
Decision Point - The Brakes should not be released until the driver can see if it is safe to continue. (If not, your intention is to stop).
4 When safe, select the Gear and check the
Mirror(s) (and Blind Spot if applicable);
Select the appropriate Gear to safely negotiate the hazard and check the appropriate side Mirror
(and Blind Spot if applicable) for overtaking traffic.
5. Evasive Action is rarely required and is often
as a result of a mistake in steps 1 - 4;
To take Evasive Action, (e.g. Horn warning just before overtaking or if a vehicle is observed in the Blind Spot).
This should rarely be required if actions 1, 2, 3 and 4 are performed correctly.
6. Accelerate through the hazard to leave
the hazard quickly and safely.
To apply appropriate power to leave the hazard quickly and safely having regard for the road surface
and traffic conditions.

Example 1: The System of Car Control - to turn left or right

Example 1: The System of Car Control - to turn left or right

Example 2: The System of Car Control - to change lanes

Example 2: The System of Car Control - to change lanes

Example 3: The System of Car Control - to travel straight on at traffic lights

Example 3: The System of Car Control - to travel straight on at traffic lights

16 - 18

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