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The Driving Companion

Unit 1: Task 5 - Stop and go (using the park brake)

Learning Outcome

The learner will be able to bring the vehicle to a smooth stop in first gear (manuals only) and, with the aid of the park brake, immediately move off smoothly while maintaining full control of the vehicle.

Assessment Standard

The learner will accurately perform this task without assistance.

The assessment will be a demonstration on at least two consecutive but separate occasions.


  1. Select the suitable stopping position on the road (e.g. - stop lines, positioning for view, proximity to other vehicles);
  2. Check the centre mirror and (then, if required, the appropriate side mirror) and, where appropriate, signal intention;
  3. Slow the vehicle smoothly using the footbrake only;
  4. For manuals only, when the vehicle slows to just above stalling speed, push the clutch down;
  5. For manuals only, just as the vehicle is stopping, select first gear;
  6. When the vehicle comes to a complete stop, apply the park brake (holding the park brake button in, where possible*) and release the footbrake (right foot placed over accelerator);
  7. Check that it is safe to move off and apply appropriate power (and for manuals, clutch to friction point);
  8. If safe, release the park brake which results in the vehicle immediately moving off in a smooth manner under full control; and
  9. Perform all steps 1 to 8 in sequence .

*Note - different types of handbrakes

Authorised Examiners Note: This exercise is not 'stopping at the kerb'/'moving off from the kerb' but may be assessed when stopping and moving away from a stop line or stopping and moving away when turning right or left, or when momentarily stopping on a light gradient in a line of traffic.

Note: This procedure may change due to manufacturer's requirements e.g. hill hold.


Tags #learners, #licence, #stages, #beginner

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