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The Driving Companion

Unit 2: Task 11 - The 3-point turn

Learning Outcome

  1. The learner will be able to select a safe and suitable location to perform the 3-point turn; and
  2. The learner will be able to turn the vehicle around safely and competently within the boundaries of a carriageway that is narrower than the turning circle of the vehicle while maintaining full control of the vehicle.

Assessment Standard

The learner will accurately perform parts 1and 2 of this task together without assistance.

The assessment will be a demonstration on at least two consecutive but separate occasions.


Selecting a location for the 3-point turn
  1. Select a suitable, safe and legal place at the kerb to stop;
  2. Check the centre mirror, then the left mirror (for bicycle riders etc.) and signal left;
  3. Ensure that there are no obstructions next to the kerb forward of the centre of the vehicle on the left (reversing area);
  4. Smoothly slow the vehicle (to just above engine idle speed) using the footbrake operated by the right foot.
  5. (For manuals) push the clutch down just before reaching engine idle speed to prevent stalling while maintaining light pressure on the footbrake;
  6. Bring the vehicle to a smooth stop without jerking the vehicle;
  7. Check that the vehicle has stopped;
  8. if preparing to immediately commence the 3-point turn, ensure the correct gear has been  selected in preparation to move off (apply park brake if required);
    If intending to fully secure the vehicle, apply the park brake and select neutral (manuals) park (automatics) and release the brake pedal and then (for manuals) release the clutch;
  9. Perform all steps 1 to 8 in sequence;
  10. Cancel any signal after stopping.
The 3-Point turn (U-turn including reversing)
  1. Check the centre mirror, then the right mirror, then signal right for at least 5 seconds;
  2. (If moving off from fully secured) Push clutch pedal down (manuals) / right foot on brake pedal (automatics) select first gear (manuals)  / select 'drive' (automatics);
  3. Apply appropriate power, (and for manuals) clutch to 'friction point';
  4. Check the centre mirror again, then the right mirror, then over the right shoulder (blind spot check) for traffic (from driveways, roads opposite or U-turning traffic);
  5. If safe, look forwards (release the park brake as required);
  6. Accelerate smoothly away from the kerb without stalling or rolling back while turning the steering wheel to the right (while not prohibited dry/stationary steering is not encouraged) until on full lock (if required) and cancel the signal;
  7. About 1 metre from the right kerb whilst keeping the vehicle moving turn the steering wheel sufficiently to the left (while not prohibited dry/stationary steering is not encouraged);
  8. Stop before touching the kerb;
  9. Select reverse gear, apply the park brake if required (holding the button in - optional) and check both directions and behind (over shoulders);
  10. Move off in reverse without rolling or stalling (continue steering left as required), under full control and continue checking in all directions (moving head and eyes) whilst reversing;
  11. About 1 metre from the kerb whilst keeping the vehicle moving steer sufficiently to the right (while not prohibited dry/stationary steering is not encouraged) and prepare to move off down the road;
  12. Stop before touching the kerb;
  13. Select first gear* or 'Drive'**, apply the handbrake if required (holding the button in - optional) and check both ways for traffic;
  14. When safe, move off down the road maintaining full control of the vehicle without over-steering (Aim high in steering); and
  15. (b) Perform all steps 1 to 14 in sequence.

*MANUAL  **AUTOMATICS3 point turn


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